25 November 2008

reply to cinderella comment

Hi Cinderella,

Refer to my posting dated 30 October 2008. TQ for yr comment, Cinderella (SL) and nice of you to drop in! : )

Yes, I m watching "The Secret" movie, if I m not wrong, is it by Rhonda Byrne? but half way through...not finish yet.

It is definitely a good movie! I have seen the book selling in MPH bookstore, too.

Talk again soon, ok...

17 November 2008

Thank You Very Much

Hello to all my readers,

I like to Thank you to all readers of my blog.

"Thank you"

As you can see, that I have been slowing down a bit in my posting these days.

Coz I might go to the next level, the level of the unknown!

This guy showed me something! He is somebody, who is willing to share with others.
Thank you to you! I have much clearer picture now.

May God bless you! I won't forget you.

This doesn't mean that this is my last posting.


09 November 2008


A MLM company with over 30 years in operation, well established, good reputation, products and business plan are well accepted by many, is offering an opportunity for those who wants to start own business.

An opportunity that doesn't come often!

1) Female
2) Age : 25 years old to 50 years old
3) be able to speak English, Mandarin and Bahasa
4) Serious about starting and running own business.
5) A start up capital of only RM10,000. (one time)

The MLM company will do all the renovations and computer systems, etc

Call me while it is still available (limited to the numbers of outlets nationwide)

For details, please contact :
016-2287151 (Kevinn)

02 November 2008

a hero

I think a hero is an

ordinary individual who

finds strength to

persevere and endure

in spite of



- Christopher Reeve

01 November 2008

The Book

I would like to refer to my post dated 6th September 2008 -A Must Read Book.

Please get this book, if you come across in any bookstores, titled:

"The Parable of The Pipeline"
by Burke Hedges

or you could get a copy from me.